Even a small charity can make a big difference.
How the trust actually helps.
A major part of our work at the COLJR Charitable Trust involves working with social workers from the Department of Community and Children's Services of the City of London Corporation. They can make recommendations for grants for specific help, such as replacing a broken fridge or a cooker, replacing a vacuum cleaner or a heater, or providing basic household repairs, or essential clothing.
One of the advantages of the Trust is that amounts of up to about £300 can usually be provided very quickly where necessary.
In a recent example, a City resident age 83 had lost all her income and savings and had become estranged from her children. Suffering from severe diabetes, she eventually received an offer of sheltered accommodation. The Trust provided £250 towards the cost of moving, new flooring and decoration.
The Trust also gives larger amounts to charities who offer support and advice to people of all ages affected by poverty, addiction, homelessness, mental health, disabilities, debt and unemployment.
Some of these are well known, like St Mungo's, which provide support to the homeless and Toynbee Hall, which has a wide ranging programme of advice and support, such as legal advice and debt counselling. Some are less well known, such as 'Suited and Booted' which helps men with suitable clothing and training for job interviews.
And more recently the Trust made a £1,200 donation to Refugees at Home, a new charity which encourages people with spare rooms to take in refugees. A recent impact report that we received from Spitalfields Crypt Trust (a Charity dedicated to helping the homeless, addicted and isolated) cited our financial support for their Drop-In Centre. Another regular beneficiary of our donations is The Passage whose resource centre aims to help homeless people get back on their feet.
How to find out more about getting help.
Anyone wishing further information about getting help from the Trust, please Contact Us.